1 | Chattisgarh | https://erojgar.cg.gov.in/LandingSite/en/Home.aspx |
2 | Delhi | https://onlineemploymentportal.delhi.gov.in/ |
3 | Gujarat | https://anubandham.gujarat.gov.in/ |
4 | Haryana | https://www.hrex.gov.in/ |
5 | Himachal Pradesh | https://eemis.hp.nic.in/ |
6 | Jammu and Kashmir | http://jakemp.nic.in/ |
7 | Jharkhand | http://recruitment.jharkhand.gov.in/ |
9 | Karnataka | https://udyogasethu.karnataka.gov.in/Forms/Information/EEDetails |
10 | Kerala | https://www.employment.kerala.gov.in/ |
11 | Madhya Pradesh | http://mprojgar.gov.in/ |
12 | Maharashtra | https://rojgar.mahaswayam.gov.in/#/home/index |
13 | Odisha | https://empmission.odisha.gov.in/Exchange/Entry.jsp |
14 | Punjab | http://www.pgrkam.com/ |
15 | Rajasthan | http://www.employment.livelihoods.rajasthan.gov.in/web/Index.aspx |
16 | Tamil Nadu | https://tnvelaivaaippu.gov.in/ |
17 | Uttar Pradesh | http://sewayojan.up.nic.in/ |
18 | West Bengal | https://employmentbankwb.gov.in/index.php |
19 | Employment News | http://employmentnews.gov.in/NewEmp/Home.aspx |
20 | Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship | https://www.msde.gov.in/ |
21 | Skill India Portal | https://www.skillindiadigital.gov.in/home |